The Student Newspaper of Lakeside School


The Student Newspaper of Lakeside School


The Student Newspaper of Lakeside School


Five questions and five answers from Sachi

May Advice Column
Felicity W. ’26

Q: How to study for finals

A: Make sure you have a solid understanding of the concepts that you’ve learned in the class — make a list of key ideas from all units. Take your time to go back to old tests and assignments to make that list. Also, be clear about what the final actually will consist of (project, test, in-class write, etc.); ask your teachers questions and do the review that they give you. Alternatively, just don’t study, live your best almost-summer life, and hope for an A!

Q: Best gifts for a friend

A: Think about your friend’s passions and hobbies, and work to come up with gift ideas that align with those passions. If they’re into a specific sport, get them a signed/special jersey! If they’re into baking, get them a cute apron. If they like reading, go out to Barnes & Noble with them and have them pick out the best book. Also, consider getting them a funny gift that relates to some inside joke you have. I don’t need to give you advice on that.

Q: How to flirt with someone subtly

A: Make sure you have conversations with them, and be your true self while chatting. Authenticity is the best form of rizz. Smile at them, share information about yourself, and listen to what they have to say. Respect who they are, and they’ll be instantly charmed by you. I’ve also gotten some form of this question in most past issues, so please save me some effort this busy month and go back to old columns to check out my advice from then.

Q: Can I talk about my Europe vacation at school without being inconsiderate?

A: Yes, but you have to be careful about what you say. You can definitely share highlights from what you did during break with your friends at school. However, you can’t be unaware of the privilege you have to be able to afford going on vacations abroad. Please don’t be ignorant and make comments that humble-brag about your wealth like, “Paris is tacky.”

Q: Should I cut my hair for a dramatic change?

A: Yes, go for it! Just don’t get a buzz cut or a mullet. You’ll regret it later. Don’t cut your hair impulsively using kitchen scissors in front of your bathroom mirror either. But, other than that, dramatic hairstyle changes are a great way to freshen up your mindset and daily routine.

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About the Contributors
Sachi T. '26
Contrary to her taste in watching action-packed Mission Impossible style movies, writer Sachi T. ‘26 often enjoys reading feel-good books. She has been dancing for 11 years, mostly in the style of Indian classical, and she's been attending Lakeside since sixth grade. At the school, she plays the viola in orchestra and participates in Model UN events. At home, Sachi adores her golden retriever and watches football and cricket. She also likes to travel with her family, having been to 14 different countries. One fun fact about Sachi is that she has a collection of shot glasses from every place she has visited!
Felicity W. ’26
Be it rain or shine, face it with a smile!

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