A look into the past: The October issue of the Tatler in 1973 (Lakeside Archives)In every September issue, the editors-in-chief take a moment to introduce both themselves and the paper. Isabelle Q. ’20 and Kanishka R. ’20 will briefly summarize their plans for Tatler in the incoming year.


Dear Lakeside,


By the time this article is published, we will be almost one week into the school year. The air will be getting colder, our backpacks heavier, and all of us will be finding ourselves settling back into the routine of classes, homework, and stealing utensils from the refectory. With this inaugural letter, we wish to welcome you all back to school and to introduce Tatler’s new season!


Having both been a part of the Tatler staff since our freshman year, we have observed the visions of five faculty advisors and six editors-in-chief. We hope that we may both continue to promote the high standards which they have all held for this paper, as well as build upon their hopeful visions and ideas. In particular, we plan to expand our digital presence with an entirely new website, improve Tatler’s print design, refocus our journalism on the Lakeside community, and bring in more fun columns and games for all of you to enjoy!


Moreover, we welcome our new advisor, Jim Collins, to the Tatler family. Mr. Reiser will be sorely missed, but Mr. Collins, a communications department team member and the editor of the Lakeside magazine, has already proven himself an incredible guide when it comes to the world of print and journalism.


Is all of this possible? Well, we certainly hope so. It helps that we are currently supported by an absolutely amazing leadership team, as well as a wonderful and enthusiastic staff! We know that you probably never even look at that little Tatler Staff box that gets printed every month, but at least for this September, we encourage you to look over that list of dedicated writers, editors, designers, and photographers. They all put so much work into every single issue, and we’re so excited to be working with such committed and talented people.


But the Tatler staff and advisor won’t be the only ones to aid us in our grand schemes. For this paper to grow in content and quality, we will need the help of all the Lakeside community. What that means is that we’ll spend a lot of time bothering you: demanding you to fill out our polls, asking you to check out our new website, inviting you to guest-write pieces, and pleading you to propose your ideasfor articles, for columns, for anything you think is worth covering. We want to hear from all of you.


This September issue was written completely by returning Tatlerites, so it will be shorter than other editions. In the future, however, be prepared for a hearty, thick (thicc), paper every month. Our staff, both returning and incoming, is excited to share its creativity with you in the coming months! 



Isabelle and Kanishka