Two PSL Fiends Discuss Your Big Questions
Hello and welcome back to The Chatler, the Tatler’s podcast series! This month’s episode is hosted by Lucy K. ’24 and Zane R. ’24.
It’s pitch-black in the recording studio. Lucy and Zane have almost set the room on fire with a hazardous lamp, and settle for recording without light. Listen to hear our resident advice-columnists comment on questions both serious and absurd.
About the Contributors
Lucy K. '24, Editor in Chief
Review: Lucy: The Movie (★★★★☆)
Released in 2006, Lucy was an instant classic the day she hit movie theaters. The movie’s character development...
Zane R. '24, Editor in Chief
Review: Zane: The Movie (★★★★☆)
Released in early 2006, Zane quickly became a fan favorite. A charming and lovable fella, Zane has captured...