After graduating from Lakeside, Judge Sean O’Donnell went on to graduate from Georgetown and receive his Law degree from Seattle University. He has held the position of Chief Criminal Judge of the King County Court since 2018, now serving his fourth term on the court.
I believed it would be interesting to reach out to Judge O’Donnell to see if he would be interested in providing current students with book suggestions from his time at Lakeside and beyond. He has been generous in providing Lakeside with not one, but three book recommendations!
“The Dark Knight Returns,” by Frank Miller
Judge O’Donnell insists that his first recommendation, “The Dark Knight Returns” by Frank Miller, is “the greatest comic book/graphic novel ever written.” The story follows Bruce Wayne in his last adventure as he reclaims his role as Batman, years after his best known crime-fighting exploits. In addition to the enthralling plot, Judge O’Donnell praises the book for its eclectic art, nuanced dialogue, and other strong elements of craft that make the story all that much better. Attesting to the book’s significance, Judge O’Donnell claims, “It defined an entire genre of comic books and launched the drive for the gritty, realistic comic book movies that are ubiquitous (and super-profitable) in theaters.” Judge O’Donnell first read “The Dark Knight Returns” in high school but maintains that he has loved it ever since, still having two original copies of the book because: “It’s that good.”
“Memoir from Antproof Case,” by Mark Helprin
“Memoir from Antproof Case” is a fictional memoir narrated by an anonymous author in his 80s detailing his life and comical hatred for coffee. The protagonist, while surrounded by much larger problems, never fails to bring up his disdain for coffee, claiming it is “the work of the Devil.” Judge O’Donnell enjoys the book’s pungent irony and describes it as “crazy, but funny.” The story follows the protagonist through childhood and adulthood as he navigates an insane asylum at 14, serves as a fighter pilot in WWII, becomes a Wall Street banker, and finally ends up as an English teacher in the Brazilian Navy. Here, in the book’s ironic fashion, he teaches his students English swear words that he masquerades as naval terms. For the novel’s balance of lighthearted humor and serious plot, Judge O’Donnell acclaims “Memoir from Antproof Case” as both “an eclectic, laugh-out-loud, beautiful story” and “a mature, deeper read that takes concentration.”
“Under the Banner of Heaven,” by Jon Krakauer
“Under the Banner of Heaven,” Judge O’Donnell’s final recommendation, is thematically heavier than the others, replete with vivid and gruesome depictions that he warns could potentially be upsetting to some readers. The novel dissects the ideologies and beliefs of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints (LDS) and analyzes the relationship of violence to religion by providing a history of fundamentalist Mormon polygamous groups. For these portrayals, it has received backlash from the LDS Church. The crime guiding much of the analysis in the book is a double murder committed by two Mormon fundamentalists who believe God sent them a revelation ordering them to commit the crime. The author, Krakauer, raises many questions about self-autonomy and the principles of religious faith, establishing himself as “a gripping author” to Judge O’Donnell and his book as one “you will not be able to put down.”