Compiled by Amber P. ’25 [Opinions Editor]
Disclaimer: These views are not necessarily representative of the opinions of the authors, editors, or of Tatler as an institution.
we’re getting stupider
Might be a personal problem rather than a school, but some of the people who go here are so entitled and they don’t even realize it. It’s really unpleasant being around these people 24/7.
timmy gets too much screen time on the studgov and tatler instagram pages
the homework load is kinda light
people don’t care enough about learning, only about getting good grades
Our sports teams mostly suck and being at our sports games is even worse like WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO NOISE THAT IS THE POINT OF A SPORTS GAME.
We are the best and I’m super grateful to go here.
It’s too liberal
It’s not as good as the administrators think it is, and its quality has decreased compared to other high schools in the nation.
People complain too much about the work
somehow despite talking about inherent privilege so much people still need to realize how privileged they are
people are sm nicer than other schools and def not all rich like ppl think we are- there’s exceptions though
i get that it’s hard but in my opinion that’s because everyone’s trying to be great. trust me i’ve spent time at this school not trying to be great and everything was a breeze
we actually have a lot more free time than other schools get and if you use your time well you can get most if not all of your homework done at school. none of you should be staying up until 1am doing homework
The amount of money we’re paying to go to Lakeside isn’t truly being reflected in the rigor of our education as underclassmen, and I know many new student’s expectations for high academic rigor have not been met.
The teachers are lowkey best friend material
People think Lakeside is “so hard” because that’s what people at other schools say, but our school isn’t that much harder than other schools, lakeside students just like complaining for the sake of complaining
Lakeside, despite being known as a prestigious school that requires considerable intellect to attend, has a great degree of anti-intellectualism. Knowledge and a passion for learning are devalued in the student culture despite being the very same traits that benefit applicants.
Lakeside is American Psycho. In that movie you can see the cream of the crop, the top of society being raunchy, arrogant and idiots. In Lakeside, on the bus, in the library, you can see the cream of the crop, the top of society playing brawl stars, being raunchy and idiots.
I love our campus but like why is it so big we have 600 people.
not a hot take imo, but WAY too liberal. also we should get rid of free periods and have a shorter school day
lunch is declining but the grades are inflating
people who care about the rigor of lakeside’s academics only ever care about the rigor of STEM offerings, but humanities at lakeside is laughable. the number of students who use AI for every assignment in english or history grows every DAY, and discussions and seminars are a bunch of kids who didn’t do the reading in favor of their calc or cs hw agreeing with other. the teachers are lovely and amazing, but they don’t have students that care. the mandatory courses you take in freshman, sophomore, and junior year never get better, but electives are really, really good even though you can only really take them in junior or senior year. perhaps the solution is to finally have honors humanities classes.
I think it’s a bit overhyped, like are we really doing or learning much more than people at other schools?