Gift Ideas for the Procrastinating Lakesider

I absolutely love the holidays. Every time I think of winter, it brings back memories of scribbled wishlists, handmade ornaments, and an abundance of wrapping paper rolls. Gift-giving is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. No matter what winter means to you, it’s always a great time to make someone’s day with a homemade gift, and never too late to do it with this handy guide.



Difficulty: 1

Level of holiday cheer: 2

This is pretty self-explanatory, but for the reader (or favorite English teacher) in your life, cut out a strip of paper and write their name, an inspirational quote, or just doodle. Now they’ll think of you every time they open up their textbooks and assigned readings!

Extra credit: Make them the right size to “laminate” with two strips of packing tape. It works just as well as actual lamination and will make your gift last a lot longer.


Hot Chocolate Mix

Difficulty: 1

Level of holiday cheer: 2

There are tons of recipes for this on the internet, but my family’s favorite is Smitten Kitchen’s “decadent hot chocolate mix.” It’s also perfect for those people who are just really hard to shop for. Hot chocolate mix is just generic enough that anyone will appreciate it, but it still feels personal, especially paired with a pun like “warm wishes” or “you make my heart melt.”

Extra credit: Separate it into little mason jars and add some Pinterest-level ribbons and tags.


Personal Coupons

Difficulty: 1

Level of holiday cheer: 3

Coupon books are some of the cheapest yet truly meaningful gifts you can give a friend, significant other, or family member. Just little things like owing your little sister pancakes one morning or promising to lend a friend your math notes one day can be really heartfelt.

Extra credit: RAISE THE STAKES. (Dun dun dunnnnn!) Promise to drop everything when this coupon is put into action, and I mean everything.



Difficulty: 2

Level of holiday cheer: 1

With a quick trip to JoAnn’s and about half an hour, depending on your sewing abilities, you’ll have cute and easy scrunchies to gift your friends! I recommend grabbing a couple fabric quarters, thin elastic, and a needle and thread to match your fabric. This may seem like an intimidating project to those who don’t sew, but there’s no reason to worry; they’re one of the easiest and best sewing projects out there.

Extra credit: This project is so simple, there’s not really that much else to it!


Something Edible

Difficulty: 2

Level of holiday cheer: 2

I mean, who’s going to turn down baked goods? Not just during the holidays, but any time of the year! (Okay, my apologies if you have food allergies.)

Extra credit: People love a family recipe. Ask your grandma about the sweet treats she had as a child, and you’re as golden as freshly baked cookies.



Difficulty: 2

Level of holiday cheer: 3

Using parchment paper and packing tape, you can make your own sticker paper at home, but it’s definitely a lot quicker to go out and buy some at your local craft store. Like the bookmarks, you can draw little designs on it or just put it in your printer.

Extra credit: Find out your friend or loved one’s favorite song and make them a little Spotify code sticker! It’s way cheaper than getting them from Etsy or anywhere else, and it’s totally personalized. Just make sure they have Spotify first, because that could cause some problems.


Shrink Plastic

Difficulty: 3

Level of holiday cheer: 2

Shrink plastic (it’s actually called “shrinky-dink,” but I despise that name more than eggnog-flavored doughnuts) is a great little craft to do on a rainy winter day for some lucky gift recipients. Draw your design on the sheet, pop it in the oven, and watch it shrink into a small charm, earring, or keychain! It takes some practice to get it right, but keep at it and it’ll pay off.

Extra credit: Make a few of these (maybe even with a theme) and attach them to a charm bracelet. Handmade accessories are one of the best kinds of gifts, in my humble opinion, and this is a great example.


Bleached Designs

Difficulty: 3

Level of holiday cheer: 2

We’ve all seen the tiktoks about bleaching dark clothing in certain designs. (I don’t even have TikTok, and I’ve seen plenty.) Hop on the trend this holiday season, but seriously, use caution and please use gloves. Tatler does not claim responsibility for any bleach-related injuries.

Extra credit: Bleach and then tie-dye those parts any way you want for a super cool added effect.



Difficulty: 3

Level of holiday cheer: 3

I’m not sure when this went out of style, but I say we bring it back to Lakeside. Scrapbooks are a great way to preserve memories with a close friend or family member, and they’re not too tricky to make with some colored paper, photos, and washi tape. 

Extra credit: Send it back and forth between the two of you so you can both continue to record new memories in 2022 and beyond!