Caption Contest

Taking inspiration from The New Yorker’s cartoon caption contest, this is Lakeside’s first caption contest. With a cartoon in need of a caption, we need submissions from you all to share with the Lakeside community. The rules are simple: look at the cartoon, come up with your cleverest, funniest caption, and submit as many captions as you’d like to either the Tatler website ( or the Tatler poll (sent out by email every month) by January 21st. Come up with a clever line that you think the person would say to the animals. It could be a pun, a play on words, a reference to something or anything else that you find amusing. You can find examples of this on The New Yorker website under the cartoon caption contest. Anyone in the Lakeside community, including faculty and parents, is welcome to submit. Submit even if you don’t think it’s a winning caption; we’d love to see all interpretations and ideas. The following month, the top three captions will be published in The Tatler, as a new cartoon will be introduced. Then, the winning caption will be announced in the next edition of The Tatler, while the three finalists for the other cartoon will be announced.